Whiteman Network Consulting, LLC.
Bringing my own brand of support to my clients...
​My name is Jeremy Whiteman and i am a results driven IT professional with over twenty years of industry experience. For the last 15 years, i have been working as an independent consultant.
My background...
I made the transition to the IT industry just prior to moving to California in 2001. After spending 7 years refining my skills for consulting firms in the SF Bay Area, i made the leap in 2008 and ventured out on my own.
My mission...
I want to be a "proactive" consultant. To that, i utilize a unique monitoring solution which allows me to monitor vital services and activities on your workstations and servers. Many items i am alerted to issues (email not flowing, anti-virus definitions being out-of-date, critical services not running, event log alerts) before the end-user even knows its a problem.
One of the most important things i have learned over the years is how to "be" a consultant. At the top of my toolkit is knowing how to go find the answer and provide my client with the proper solution.
I also want to educate my users while resolving their issues. Things happen, but if i can find a solution as well as teach them what happened and how to prevent the issue from repeating itself (like steps to practice safe computing), i consider that a win-win scenario.
My objective....
I want to provide you with "IT Peace of Mind." My goal is to relieve your technical stress. Whether it's a one-time issue you might have, to upgrading one or multiple computers, to providing on-going support for your business environment, I am flexible enough to tackle tasks small and large.
How can i help you today?